After several years of debating whether to buy an Idler, even though we both really wanted one, we finally treated ourselves to celebrate our 20th A...
Thank you for your efforts to get our Idler all the way to Suffolk. We love it already and it will only become more appreciated as the Summer comes ...
So excited to have bought our Idler … my mum, Julie, has two of them and they are beautiful. This is our wedding gift to ourselves. It came this mor...
We put our Idler together….She is beautiful I love her and so does all the family. I love her vintage and quality and know we are going to have a lon...
Hello Elizabeth, Received the Idler on Tuesday, and erected it immediately. Very straightforward. Beautifully made, great quality throughout. Thanks ...
Finally it’s stopped raining and isn’t it cold? Summer seems like a distant memory now as we approach Christmas. However, Wilverley has been hard at w...
If you're new to us or an existing customer and want to order, we’ve opened up the website to Pre-Orders. We are a very small company so we can only p...
The Idler arrived as planned on Friday and we are delighted with it. It was exceptionally well packaged and easy to put up with the help of the instru...