Benita Kassas, Wilmslow, UK, 2015

Posted by Elizabeth Durrant 09/05/2016 0 Comment(s) Testimonials,



Dear Charles. Just an update on Ida the idler. She had slept only through the worst of the weather from November to March. Tucked up in her waterproof onesey! Or baby grow as was! The North as I am sure you are aware is wet and bleak. In fact my London based daughter refers to the land of her birth as The Wetlands. However I digress. Ida is one of the best things we ever invested in. Even more so than my beloved husbands Range Rover which has been back to the garage on a regular basis. Ida has stayed true and stoic and looking as fresh as the day she came to us. Many thanks for allowing me to indulge myself by sitting on the idler family over the years at Chelsea. In fact I may pop over to the stand just to gloat that I now have my own. Benita Kassas. Ps sorry for an spelling errors . I am reclining on Ida without my glasses on!!


A few weeks later....


Oh Charles, what have we done?! Came home from holiday in Devon after only 3 days. Why? The sun was shining,fishing village was pretty and the ice cream delicious. But, only outside seating at the cottage was those hard metal chairs! So we packed up and came home to Ida,our beloved Idler! We have spent the rest of our 'holiday' at home with Ida,reading, resting, sipping tea and snoozing with her,both knowing we did the right thing. Is this the end of holidays away from home?! Perhaps we should form I.A.A? It stands for Idler Addicts Anonymous. Well my husband and I stand shoulder to shoulder as proud members of I.A.A.. Perhaps not shoulder to shoulder more sitting side by side with a cuppa, croissants and the newspaper. Yours IAA member Benita